Idaho State Fiddle and Picking Championship 2025 Contest Rules
Idaho State Fiddle and Picking Championship
2025 Contest Rules
Age for the purpose of this contest is the contestant’s age on the day of competition.
If a contestant is not in position to go on stage at the appropriate time and they miss their Order of Play, they are disqualified.
Order of play is randomly generated
Contestants in all divisions may play with up to three accompanists.
Each Certified Fiddle contestant must play three songs; first a hoedown and second a waltz, third a tune of choice other than a hoedown or waltz. Each Certified Fiddle division will consist of two rounds of performance. No contestant shall play a tune more than once during the entire competition.
Novice fiddle division is for contestants who have never competed in a contest before. They will only have one round. Each Noive Fiddle contestant must play three songs; first a hoedown and second a waltz, third a tune of choice other than a hoedown or waltz.
Twin Fiddle and Picking will play a slow and fast tune in any order per each round of competing.
Contestants placing in the top five scoring positions of round one of a division will advance to round two. Except for the Juniors, who will take the top eight after the first round, and then five after the second round. Advancement to the second or third round of more than five contestants is the decision of the Contest Chairman.
A four minute play time is set for all rounds. There will be a 20 second grace period. After 4:20 there will be a 5 point penalty for every 10 seconds you go past the allotted time.
No trick or fancy fiddling allowed during the contest.
Contact microphones and amplified instruments are not permitted during any competition.
No sheet music will be displayed on stage.
If a string breaks, the contestant will have the option to continue or stop at that point. If the tune is completed it will be judged as played. If the contestant stops playing, due to a broken string, he/she will be allowed to begin with that tune and complete the intended program without penalty.
The only persons permitted inside the Judges area are the Judges, the Judge’s Assistant, the Contest Chairman, the Scoring Supervisor, persons specifically assigned to tabulate scores and those authorized by the Contest Chairman. Please no visitors in the Judge's area during the contest.
All scores of the judges are considered final. If you have any questions or concerns, do not contact the judges directly. Please instead bring your concerns to the contest chairman.
The first place winner in each fiddle age category will certify for the NOTF Contest for June of 2024 regardless of which state they reside in. Also, the top scoring Youth (17 and under) and Adult (18+) from Idaho will certify and represent our contest as our State Champions for 2024.

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